Tag: Elzetta Shotgun light mount

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

A tactical light belongs on the Pardner Pump Protector.

A firearm that you may reach for in the pitch blackness of night needs a light on it. Seeing things that may go bump in the night or things that may be a threat to your family and loved ones is vitally important. Remember the firearms safety rule “identify your target and what’s beyond it.”

You can’t identify what you can’t see.

There are many tactical lights, forends, and mounts available for home defense shotguns. Many cost more than a Pardner Pump Protector costs.  That doesn’t make sense to me. I felt challenged to find a good quality mount and light……that would get you through the night in a bad situation for under $60. A perfect match for the rugged, reliable, and inexpensive Pardner Pump Protector. After my research here is what I chose;


Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

The Elzetta ZSM tactical shotgun mount. (www.elzetta.com)


Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

Ozark trail OT-200L LED flashlight from Wal-Mart.  It’s rated at 200 lumens, single function on-off switch. Under $20. I know what you’re thinking….Walmart? I can assure you the OT-200L is a solid performer. The switch is positive. It does not get activated by recoil.

Installation was simple. The Elzetta ZSM mount includes a variety of spacers that must get trimmed to fit the diameter of the light body.

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

The Pardner Pump Protector has a longer magazine tube than most shotguns so no mag tube extension is needed to allow room for a tactical light.

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light

I am a left hand strong side shooter so I chose to mount the light on the left side positioning it about 1/8″ back from the barrel lug on the magazine tube.

I chose to position the light so some illumination spills on to the brass bead on the front of the barrel. That allows me to see the target and the bead. After all you have got to know where your gun is aimed to hit the target.

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light


I have run the Pardner Pump Protector though many drills at the range with all kinds of ammo; Buckshot, Target loads, and Slugs. The Elzetta ZSM Tactical light mount is rock solid. It did not move and it does not get loose. This is a great solution at a reasonable cost.

Remember you can’t identify your target if you can’t see it.  Get a light on your HD or tactical shotgun.

Pardner Pump Protector Tactical Light


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